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Museums and Exhibitions

The Business and Experience Center in Juuka

Juu­ka Sto­ne Vil­la­ge is lo­ca­ted in the idyl­lic mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty of Juu­ka, whe­re sto­ne pro­ces­sing has been a part of lo­cal li­fe for cen­tu­ries. The Sto­ne Vil­la­ge of­fers vi­si­tors the op­por­tu­ni­ty to exp­lo­re the enc­han­ting world of sto­ne th­rough high-qua­li­ty ex­hi­bi­tions and ama­zes them with the ver­sa­ti­le uses of sto­ne.

The fascinating exhibition, curated from the private collections of Reijo Vauhkonen, the founder of Tulikivi and an industrial counselor, is part of the permanent exhibitions at the Kivikylä. The exhibition showcases the craftsmanship of stone sculptors and artisans from around the world.

The Geoinformation Center at the Stone Center presents the world of stones from various perspectives. The Geoinformation Center sheds light on the history of stones, from the birth of the Earth through prehistoric times to the present day.

Kivikylä includes several commercial buildings, which house, among other things, the workspaces of small entrepreneurs. You can find, among other things, the Koli Panimo beer store, the soapstone museum, and the Tulikivi Studio stove store, as well as various well-being services within the Stone Village premises.

During the summer, the tourist information of Juuka also operates in the Stone Village. In the cozy café-restaurant called Kivikylän Kanttiini, you can enjoy both a coffee break and a lunch break.

The Stone Center is an excellent destination for the whole family. Come and be amazed!

Contact information

Kuhnustantie 10, 83940 Nunnanlahti

+358 50 302 4567

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