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Trails near and far

Trails close to Lieksa town centre and in the surroundings.

In Lieksa area there are several easy trails which lead you to explore the nature and history of the area.

Brahean polun rakenteita
Lintu Bra

Brahea Nature Trail (350 m)

The Brahea Nature Trail (Brahean polku), a fully accessible trail near Varasoja waterway in Lieksa town starts from the parking of the Lieksa Church and ends at Braheantie Road. Most of the path is covered with solid duckboards with sides or railings, and the final section is even grave. The 350-m long trail is easily accessible with wheelchairs, walkers and prams. There are two rest areas along the trail, which are within touching distance of the surrounding nature.

Pielispolun maisemaa

Pielispolku Trail (850 m)

This gravel and buckboard trail called Pielispolku is in the heart of Lieksa along the beautiful Lake Pielinen. The trailhead is on right hand side on the road Braheantie, right after the road crosses the railway on the way towards the harbour. The trail is 850 m long and along the trail there is a birdwatching platform and benches.

pappilanluhta lintukosteikko lieksa lähireitti päiväretkikohde

Pappilanluhta Wetland Bird Habitat Trail (1.1 km)

The area is very close to Lieksa town centre, only 1 km from the centre to the direction of Joensuu next to road No. 73. From the parking area there is a approx. 200-m long footbridge to Pokron Pisa observation tower. The path is also suitable for wheelchairs and prams. The circuit trail is 1.1 km long.

paaterin polku lieksa lähireitti päiväretkikohde

Paateri Trail (4,7 km)

The 4.7-km Paateri Trail takes you from the village of Vuonislahti to the home of Eva Ryynänen in Paateri. For the most part, the trail is also accessible by bicycle. In wintertime, a cross-country ski trail connects the village of Vuonislahti to Paateri.

Karhunpolku Trail (133 km)

Karhunpolku Trail is a 133-km long wilderness hiking trail from Patvinsuo National Park through Ruunaa Hiking Area and via Änäkäinen to Teljo. The trail is marked with orange paint dots on trees, and it can be walked or cycled from both directions. There are several campfire sites, lean-to shelters, open wilderness huts and services provided by tourism companies along the trail. Karhunpolku is part of the extensive Karjalan Kierros network of trail.

Melonta lieksanjoen melontareitti

Lieksanjoki Canoe Route

The Lieksanjoki canoe route starts near the Finnish-Russian border above Lake Ruunaanjärvi and ends at Lake Naarajärvi. The total length of the route is about 80 km, but there are several starting and ending points.

Melonta Jongunjoen ja Pankasaaren melontareitit

Lieksanjoki Canoe Route

The Lieksanjoki canoe route starts near the Finnish-Russian border above Lake Ruunaanjärvi and ends at Lake Naarajärvi. The total length of the route is about 80 km, but there are several starting and ending points.

Pankasaari Canoe Route

Pankasaari Canoe Route is a 75-km long route, an extension to the Jongunjoki Canoe Route southbound.

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