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Natural sites
Pieni Ritojärvi

Nuotio laavulla pimeänä talviyönä, kirkas tähtitaivas loistaa.

Idyllic Ritosärkkä Nature Conservation Area.

Pie­ni Ri­to­jär­vi is a great des­ti­na­tion for a one-day hi­ke. Best views of the area are along the Ri­to­jär­ven kier­to Trail (5.2 km). The cir­cuit ta­kes the hi­ker to marsh­lands and fo­rest rid­ges around the la­ke Pie­ni Ri­to­jär­vi. A ni­ce pla­ce to ha­ve a rest and en­joy lunch is a lean-to shel­ter by the la­ke. To get to Ri­to­särk­kä, you dri­ve along Kon­tio­vaa­ran­tie Sce­nic Road, which it­self is a wil­der­ness ex­pe­rien­ce. In the area both bo­dy and mind rest all day long.

Traces of history in the wilderness.

In the Ritosärkkä area there are traces of the activities of the WWII wars. On top of Ritosärkkä you can see old road tracks and along the road wooden shelters for horse carts echo the way of traveling in the old times. From the trail you can see some hollows on the ground: they were used to store goods in the times when Varasoja water transport route was in use.

Contact information

Kontiovaarantie, 81650 Hattuvaara

+358 20 639 5654

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