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Ukonsärkkä–Jäkäläkangas Nature Conservation Area

Clo­se to the Fin­nish-Rus­sian bor­der, ve­ry few peop­le co­me to Ukon­särk­kä by ac­ci­dent – which is a ve­ry good rea­son to vi­sit this wil­der­ness pearl. One can­not but prai­se the beau­ty of this area, per­fect for day trips. The mag­ni­fi­cent es­ker and old fo­rests of­fer views that ma­ny can on­ly dream of or ad­mi­re in post­cards. In Ukon­särk­kä tho­se views just hap­pen to be real.

Peace and quiet and famous scenery.

At Ukonsärkkä you can still find peace and quiet, although at Ukonlampi lean-to-shelter you might encounter others in search of solitude of the wilderness. A short Ukonpolku Trail goes through the area, offering the most beautiful views of the surrounding ponds and mire areas. Ukonsärkkä is a protected area, an old-growth forest reserve maintained by Metsähallitus.

Contact information

020 639 5654

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